Take a look at yourself and make that change

COSDOTCOM has been a fun outlet to flex my creative muscles through the lens of a blog. I'm not new to the world of blogs; however, I've never paid attention to detail. My former blogs lacked structure. Time has passed; and I've learned a lot since my last attempt. It's been a wild ride; but, I'm glad that I've had a chance to try again.
When creating the theme for COSDOTCOM, the main points of contention were font and color palette. My favorite color is purple and I'm really into video games. Implementing the pixelated font mixed with the purple backdrop just made sense. Something clean and concise without sacrificing the integrity of the blog. I wanted to keep the layout of the blog simple as well. I wasn't sure how to maintain a clean look without picking a clean slate template.
Some inspirations that sparked the birth of COSDOTCOM's identity are:
Leo Vader Dot Com & Brian David Gilbert Dot Com act as portfolio's for both creators. They both offer a clean and simple look into their lives. Linking their socials, channels, patreons, merchandise, etc. into one webpage; acting sort of like a home base for any fan of their content.
The name COSDOTCOM was also stolen from the examples above. Each inspiration names their website from their name. I abbreviated mine for the sake of semi-alliteration. I also steal the simplicity of their pages without having the portfolio to show for it. Hopefully mainting consistency and being active will change that fact. The only thing left to do now is to execute. Write scripts, analyze forms of content, record myself talking in the camera (I have to get comfortable in front of the camera). Once these projects become second nature, COSDOTCOM will be a more fleshed out page. A place to confidently hang my hat on. After establishing this blog along with consistantly posting on other platforms, I'll make a website similar to the inspairations above. Linking COSDOTCOM along with all the other creative outlets into one neat package. Until then, stay solid.